Saturday, September 28, 2013

REVEALED: Westgate Mall Fire Started by KDF Shelling, Not Mattresses

                                                         By UPA Team
Collapsed Upper Car Park of the Mall
Contrary to the official government press release, the fire that started on Monday 23rd September at the then under siege Westgate Mall may not have been started by burning mattresses after all. An interview with a reliable military operative close to the operation has revealed that the retreat by the terrorists to a strong room with bullet proof glass walls on the first floor of the mall necessitated the decision to shell the mall by firing two 84mm sharp-pointed shells from a recoilless rifle which exploded upon impact causing the fire.

Initially, two elite commandos had attempted to open the door to the strong room but a sniper backing up the terrorists holed up in the strong room took them out. Fearing that the terrorist had armed themselves with enough ammunition and food supplies to last them for weeks, the government was concerned that the militants would hold for as long as they could. The longer they held the building under siege, the more it would appear victory in the eyes of the terrorists’ world. The government then had to give the go ahead to use brute force.
It was not apparently clear whether there were any hostages held by the Al Shabaab terrorists in the strong room or how many militants were in the room. The resultant impact and ensuing fire led to the caving in of the floor above. The rear part of the building gave way hours later with cars in the above car park tumbling down. This minimized the chances of any would be survivals.
Basement Car Park of the Mall after the Attack

Due to the fire, it is strongly believed that many in the strong room were burned beyond recognition. This was pointed out as the main reason that the forensic experts were taken to the site immediately the siege was declared over. DNA analysis remained the only option to profile the identities and the occupants of the strong room and establish whether any of them was a hostage.

Twitter: @PeacefulAfrica

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