Friday, February 21, 2014

International Coercion Conspiracy?

The ICC Bulding at the Hague, Netherlands
Is there a chance that is what ICC actually is? Could the famed international justice the ICC so famed for defending be actually a front to instigate and propagate it uni-directionally?

 For the keen follower of the cases so far being prosecuted at the court, one evident thing is that most cases, if not all, lack precedence. A case in point is the rather awkward case of Kenya's fourth president Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta. A couple of years ago, the pre-trial chamber confirmed the charges against the then Deputy Prime Minister and deemed the evidence against him sufficient for the case to go to trial.

But alas! Once there, the evidence just seemed to evaporate, vanish without a trace! Before then, I had no idea non-tangible things, like evidence, could evaporate! Such has been the scenario that the case is back to pre-trial chamber. Already, isn't this a mistrial? a fallacy of a shambolic non-existent case? One can't help but wonder, was the case a legally created hurdle to bar Uhuru to run for presidency? If so, by who?

And paying close attention to his co-accused and his Deputy President, William Ruto, one can't help but have a laugh at the sheer misinformation of the witnesses, who cant seem to recall anything in their own sworn affidavits, the same one they supposedly stated by recalling the events of the period in question. Did they just suddenly become amnesiac?

My theory is simple, ICC is a 21st century institution of colonialism only that, this time, unlike back in 1885 where there was scramble and partitioning of Africa; it is now economic hitman instituting puppet governments all over the continent. Any institution or individual who is deemed a threat to the economic hitman is eliminated. It is high time for as a continent, Africa woke up!

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